STEGPARTY(1) STEGPARTY(1) NAME stegparty - tools for hiding data in plain-text files SYNOPSIS stegparty [-v[v]] -c secretfile -i carrierfile > codedfile stegparty -d [-v[v]] -i codedfile > secretfile DEFINITION "Steganography is the art and science of communicating in a way which hides the existence of the communication. In contrast to cryptography, where the enemy is allowed to detect, intercept and modify messages without being able to violate certain security premises guaranteed by a cryp- tosystem, the goal of steganography is to hide messages inside other harmless messages in a way that does not allow any enemy to even detect that there is a second secret message present" [Markus Kuhn]. DESCRIPTION StegParty is a system for hiding information inside of plain-text files. Unlike similar tools currently avail- able, it does not use random gibberish to encode data -- it relies on small alterations to the message, like changes to spelling and punctuation. Because of this you can use any plain-text file as your carrier , and it will be more-or-less understandable after the secret message is embedded. StegParty also does not by default use whitespace to encode data. This is because whitespace-encoded messages are too easy to detect, and too easy to alter so as to destroy the encoded message. But since StegParty is cus- tomizable, you can add this feature if you want. One caveat: because these are "small" alterations, the amount of encoded data per unit of carrier text is typi- cally small. For instance, a 4K binary file just barely fits into Lewis Carroll's Through The Looking Glass. You can improve on this by adding more rules, or writing more text that takes advantage of these rules in your messages. At the heart of StegParty is the rules file. This defines all the transformations that can occur on the plain-text message, called a carrier file. Each rule consists of a rule type (whole word, literal, or expression) and a set of substitutions. There can be arbitrarily many rules in the rules file (up to the limits of your system and of flex). The encoding process works like this: the carrier file is scanned, and when a rule is matched, a substitution is made based on the value x mod n, where x is the secret message, and n is the number of substitutions in the 0.2 04 Nov 1999 1 STEGPARTY(1) STEGPARTY(1) current rule. Then x is set to x/n, and the scanning con- tinues until the secret message is exhausted, or until the end-of-file is reached. The decoding process is similar -- the encoded file is scanned, and when a rule is matched, the program deter- mines which substitution was made. The index of the sub- stitution times a factor f is added to the secret message. The factor f starts at 1, and is multiplied by n (the num- ber of substitutions) every time a rule is matched. The default rules file encodes your text in the style of the average Net-Lamer, using various emoticons, mis- pellings, mangling of contractions, and lame alterations such as "thanx" and "l8ter". It could be improved upon using a suitable corpus, such as an IRC log. MAKING THE CODEC To make the default encoder, just type make. This will make a binary stegparty using the rules in stegparty.rulez. To build encoders with different rules, create another rules file of the format .rulez and then type make . NOTE: The default Makefile requires GNU Make, so you'll need to type gmake or gnumake on some systems. THE RULES FILE The rules file consists of rule definitions separated by blank lines. Each rule definition begins with a rule for- mat string , and is followed by the substitutions for that rule. Let's look at an example rules file: w I'm i'm Im wc ain't aint l K |< /("anks"|"anx")/[[:space:]] anks anx //[[:alpha:]]!{1,4}/[[:space:]] ! 0.2 04 Nov 1999 2 STEGPARTY(1) STEGPARTY(1) !! !!! !!!! The first rule is a whole word rule, because the first line begins with a "w". This means that the three strings "I'm", "i'm", and "Im" will match a lone word, not as part of a substring (NOTE: see BWORD and EWORD in the lex file for the definition of the boundaries of a word). The second rule is also a whole word rule, but has the "c" modifier, which means that it will also match the capital- ized versions of the substitution words. Thus "Ain't", "Aint", "ain't" and "aint" will match, giving a total of four substitutions. The third rule is a literal "l" rule, which means it will match anywhere in the text, even inside of words. Use this rule with caution, it can be tricky to implement properly! The fourth and fifth rule are expression rules, and they take the form of one or two slashes followed by a lex expression. The first rule matches "anks" or "anx" fol- lowed by whitespace, and the second rule matches between one and four '!' characters with a letter on the left side and whitespace on the right. Note the additional slash before the [[:space:]] defini- tion -- this means "match everything after this slash, but leave it alone if you replace it". Do a man lex if you need more elucidation. In the fifth rule, we have a double slash "//". This means "if you replace this string, leave the first charac- ter alone". In this example, we match the alphabetic character, but don't want to replace it. Note that we also use an additional slash to ignore the trailing whitespace. OPTIONS -d Decode - extract data from a previously encoded message. -c In convert mode, specify the file to be encoded in the message. Can be text, usually will be binary. -i Specify the input file -- the carrier file to be encoded or decoded. If none is given, assumes stdin. -o Specify the output file. If none given, 0.2 04 Nov 1999 3 STEGPARTY(1) STEGPARTY(1) assumes stdout. -E No Early-out - if this is given in encode mode, the entire carrier file will be pro- cessed, even after the program runs out of data to encode. The default behavior is to stop after data is exhausted. Generally, you want to use this for data encoded with the base27 command, or other data that is sensi- tive to trailing garbage. You don't need it if you're encoding gzip'ed files. NOTES The nature of the decoding process is such that the decoder can't tell when the end of the secret message is reached -- it spews data until reaching the end of the carrier file. If you encode data using gzip, this shouldn't be a problem -- gzip ignores trailing garbage. Because I'm lazy, I didn't use a big-integer library -- I do stuff in chunks of 32 bits, which means that there can be some loss of efficiency when using rules with more than two substitutions (which is usually the case). I could have used glib++'s Integer class, but I don't like mixing annoying, bureaucratic C++ with beautiful, simple C. Maybe I'll do one in Haskell next. SEE ALSO base27(1), pgp(1), gzip(1), bzip2(1) AUTHOR Steven Hugg 0.2 04 Nov 1999 4