_ _=[ HAK NAM ]= In the dark city, construct of paths far beyond logic, evrything was done thru the character's vision, no hierarchy, no architecture, only in this chaos a whole world lived, crowded, the data flux as unnamed brief shadows, nothing real but evrything if only you would open your eyes and let it guide yourself. Still you had to understand the futile notion of the Thing, it wasn't an information mass without importance, it was a sum, and from this hudge sum a city vas born, based on the system's trash, based on recycled, distributed trash, the walls were made of this, it's bases too, but in Hak Nam no true representation was possible, the only limit was the imagination of it's builders, builders of one day, a life, the only freedom was imagination and Hak Nam was the representation of the creativity, collective or private, no matter, the message was important and its quality added, or not, strenght to the city. At Hak Nam, impossible to observe the same thing twice, everything a view out of your individual mind, thoses differences made its strenght. No archetype, the constructs were changing evry day, here no time, but the night, the everlasting night to lead the creators towards their goal, Hak Nam was the refuge, the burrow of thoses unwilling of submission, of thoses unwilling to believe of the dreams given to them by the establishment, all were refugees, they were here for a precise reason, but no one could understant what it really was, the fact alone of they beeing here was enough to get the point, the falling point. Hak Nam wasn't on any map of any network, but the city was imposing but the smart masses passing by and often stayed did the things well enough to stealth the reality of its presence, you could pass by without seeing anything, but it was obvious to thoses who see this back corner of the net asked themselves what this chaotic cluster could be, and how such a cluster of data trash could exist in such a relams, and to come to Hak Nam, you had to give away your hole of values materialisez by this infinite wall that years, the only way in was so small that years would pass before you could find it. Once inside, only shadows, undistinguishable patterns, ghosts, in this everlasting night, nothing similar, only an incredible solidarity, at Hak Nam people if you could call them so where all in their things, and the things were all. But one thing was sure, in this numeric city, evrybody had what he was looking for, no hierarchiy, no law, no regulations, but every one knew what he had to do, and evrybody could dispose of the power he wanted, only by giving himself the means, at Hak Nam you could meat people, but seldom were thoses you could imagine, their representation was something else we're used to, you could choose your face, the only limit was your imagination. Hak Nam wasn't respecting any physical law, moral or else, it was a moving universe, everchanging actors, it was possible to be known, but rare where thoses interested in a glorifying system, if you needed to see you had to trust your instinct. On the road you would see so much people that the desired person was now far away form your conscious thoughts, at Hak Nam was security, but an intruder was not disturbing, not even looked down to, an intruder wasn't even seen, you had to be as shallow as possible not to disturb the flow of things. If it would be possible to caracterize Hak Nam, it would be the numeric kingdom of dream. The ughy side of Hak Nam was only for thoses who decided to understand it as such, evrything was matter of perception and the missing logic made it impossible to get the same perceptions. There at Hak Nam every one had a duty, to keep Hak Nam how it was, this duty wasn't written anywhere as you would expect in such a big society, you were conscious that preserving Hak Nam was preserving the island of freedom on this network, they were no precise task evrything depending on the thoughts of evryone. One thing was certain though, Hak Nam wasn't in danger, of course, one didn't know its inhabitants evoluating daily, not even their names, no one knew anything of HakNam you could observe the everchanging city, that was it. Some worked more than others in preserving this environment but never you heard about them, which made evrybody implicated without you knowing who did what, only the flow of data at the base never stopped to pile up and Hak Nam never stopped protecting itself, against what ? an invisble ennemy, nobody knew but it was so, and if by misfortune something happed to Hak Nam, the characters were be so many that evrything was done in real time, by who, nobody knew, the means of Hak Nam was to stay Hak Nam, no precise goals, just a presence ? _ Dust K _ [original version in french http://madchat.org]