- gethostbyname() COMMAND gethostbyname() SYSTEMS AFFECTED AIX(r) 3.2.x 4.1.x 4.2.x PROBLEM Under certain conditions the "gethostbyname()" library function provided with IBM AIX versions 3.2.x 4.1.x and 4.2.x can encounter a buffer overrun that allows information on the program stack to be corrupted. Many set-user-id and set-group-id programs as well as many network programs running with super-user privileges make use of the "gethostbyname()" library function. Corrupting the program stack of these programs may allow arbitrary user-provided code to be executed inadvertently. If successfully exploited this buffer overrun condition could be used to gain super-user access to the system. Such an action could be initiated over the network from a remote system or by a user on the local system. Penetration through a firewall may also be possible depending on which services and applications are permitted by the firewall system. SOLUTION Get patch (for now nobody exploited this one on AIX only on Sun).